Prabhat Pandey


01 Mar, 2023

Benefits of Extension Functions in Kotlin

Kotlin is the default language for creating native Android applications. It has many attractive features that make a developer’s life easy. One of them is Extension Functions.

If you are an Android Developer, then you are probably already using Kotlin extension functions. If not, then you must start using them because they allow you to create readable, reusable code blocks.

In this article, I will explain the benefits of Extension Functions in Kotlin and why you should use start using them in your Android codebase.

Benefits of Extension Functions


One of the key benefits of extension functions is that they promote code reusability. You can reuse a block of code by creating an extension function. This makes it easier to extend the functionality of existing classes and reuse them in other parts of your code.

For instance, you could create a new method for the View class to show the Snackbar in Android. You can reuse this anywhere you need it.

fun View.showSnackbar(message: String, duration: Int = Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT) {
    Snackbar.make(this, message, duration).show()


Extension functions improve code readability by reducing the amount of boilerplate code that needs to be written. You can make your code more concise and easier to read by encapsulating functionality within an extension function.

For example, you could create an extension function that removes white spaces from a string object.

fun String.removeWhiteSpace(): String {
    return this.replace("\\s".toRegex(), "")

In the above code, you can easily understand what the function is doing by just reading its name. Without an extension function, the code to replace the white space is not very readable.


You can modularize your code by separating functionality into smaller, more manageable units using Kotlin Extension functions. This makes it easier to organize and maintain your codebase.

For instance, you could create a bunch of extension functions that validate an input string if it is a valid email/password or not.

// Function to validate an email address
fun String.isValidEmail(): Boolean {
    return Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(this).matches()

// Function to validate a phone number
fun String.isValidPhone(): Boolean {
    return Patterns.PHONE.matcher(this).matches()

Backward Compatibility

Kotlin extension functions provide backward compatibility by allowing you to add new functionality to existing classes without breaking existing code. This means that you can add new features to your application without having to rewrite large portions of your codebase.


In conclusion, Kotlin extension functions provide several benefits that make them an essential tool for Android developers. They promote code reuse, improve readability, modularize your codebase, and provide backward compatibility. By using extension functions, you can make your code more concise and easier to read, while avoiding the need to modify existing code.

Therefore, if you are an Android developer who has not yet started using Kotlin extension functions, you must start doing so to take advantage of the benefits they offer.

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